Test apparatus
In order that your planned procedure and product performs as promised in later operation, you can have its success tested here by us in the following process machinery:
Vacuum two-roller dryer Merto-Drum 0.2
- Drum diameters: ø130x280mm
- Operating temperatures: +5 to +200°C
- Operating pressure: -1 to 0 bar
Vacuum two-roller dryer Merto-Drum 0.5
- Roller diameters: ø225x360mm
- Operating temperatures: +5 to +200°C
- Operating pressure: -1 to 0 bar
- Implementation
Vacuum bucket dryer / Reactor Merto-Dry 100
- Total volume 100 litres
- Operating temperatures: +5 to +250°C
- Operating pressure -1 bar to 10 bar
- Operating temperature: +5 to +400°C
- Operating pressure -1 to 0 bar
- ATEX version, bucket mechanism heated, sampler, macerator
Vakuum bucket dryer Merto-Dry 60, portable
- Total volume 60 litres
- Operating temperature: +5 to +200°C
- Operating pressure -1 to 0 bar
- Bucket mechanism heated
Agitator filter Merto-Fil 0.125, portable
- Total volume: 50 l
- Filtration area: 0.125 m2
- Operating temperature: +5 to +140°C
- Operating pressure: -1 to +3 bar
Vacuum drying closet VD-53
- Total volume 53 litres
- Operating temperature +15 to +200°C
- Operating pressure -1 to 0 bar